Free Printable Low Sodium Food List

Free Printable Low Sodium Food List: A Guide to Healthy Eating

Eating a low sodium diet is important for individuals with high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney issues, and other health conditions. However, finding suitable low sodium food options can be challenging. To make things easier, we have compiled a comprehensive and free printable low sodium food list to help you navigate your way to healthier food choices.

Why is Reducing Sodium Intake Important?

Sodium, commonly found in salt, plays a crucial role in our bodies. It helps regulate blood pressure, maintains fluid balance, and enables nerve and muscle function. However, consuming excessive amounts of sodium can have adverse effects on our health, including:

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High Blood Pressure: Consuming too much sodium can lead to increased blood pressure, putting a strain on your heart and arteries.
Heart Disease: High sodium intake is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.
Kidney Problems: Over time, excess sodium can damage the kidneys and contribute to the development of kidney disease.
Osteoporosis: High sodium intake can cause the body to excrete more calcium, leading to weakened bones and an increased risk of osteoporosis.

Benefits of a Low Sodium Diet

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Adopting a low sodium diet has numerous benefits for your health:

Better Blood Pressure Control: Reducing sodium intake can help lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of developing hypertension.
Heart Health: A low sodium diet can improve heart health by reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.
Kidney Function: By limiting sodium intake, you can protect your kidneys and prevent the progression of kidney disease.
Bone Health: Consuming less sodium helps prevent the loss of calcium from bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

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Free Printable Low Sodium Food List

Our free printable low sodium food list is a valuable resource to keep on hand while grocery shopping or planning meals. It contains a variety of food categories along with their sodium content per serving. Here are some essential categories you’ll find on the list:

Fruits and Vegetables

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Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in sodium and packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They make excellent additions to any low sodium diet. Enjoy a wide variety of fresh or frozen options such as:

Apples: 0mg sodium per medium apple
Broccoli: 30mg sodium per 1 cup (cooked)
Carrots: 88mg sodium per 1 cup (cooked)
Oranges: 0mg sodium per medium orange
Spinach: 24mg sodium per 1 cup (cooked)

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber and other important nutrients. They can be a great addition to a low sodium diet. Here are some low sodium whole grain options:

Brown Rice: 1mg sodium per 1 cup (cooked)
Quinoa: 13mg sodium per 1 cup (cooked)
Oats: 2mg sodium per 1/2 cup (cooked)
Whole Wheat Bread: 82mg sodium per slice
Barley: 3mg sodium per 1 cup (cooked)

Lean Protein

Include lean sources of protein in your low sodium diet to support muscle growth and repair. Here are some protein-rich options with low sodium content:

Chicken Breast (skinless, boneless): 74mg sodium per 3 ounces (cooked)
Salmon: 50mg sodium per 3 ounces (cooked)
Eggs: 62mg sodium per large egg
Beans (canned, low sodium): varies by brand
Tofu: 9mg sodium per 3 ounces

Dairy and Dairy Alternatives

When choosing dairy products, opt for low sodium or sodium-free options to keep your intake in check. Consider the following low sodium dairy and dairy alternatives:

Plain Yogurt (low fat or non-fat): 81mg sodium per 1 cup
Almond Milk (unsweetened): 170mg sodium per 1 cup
Mozzarella Cheese (part-skim): 176mg sodium per 1 ounce
Cottage Cheese (low fat or non-fat): 918mg sodium per 1 cup
Greek Yogurt (plain, low fat or non-fat): 56mg sodium per 6 ounces


A low sodium diet is essential for maintaining good health and preventing various health conditions. By using our free printable low sodium food list, you can make informed choices while grocery shopping and meal planning. Remember to always check food labels for sodium content and aim to incorporate a variety of low sodium options into your diet. Embrace the benefits of a low sodium lifestyle and take control of your well-being.

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