Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks


Bookmarks are a great way to keep your place in a book while also adding a touch of personalization. If you are someone who enjoys both reading and coloring, then free printable coloring bookmarks are the perfect combination for you. These bookmarks not only serve their purpose but also allow you to unleash your creativity by coloring them in your own unique style.

What are Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks?

Free printable coloring bookmarks are downloadable templates that can be printed and colored to create personalized bookmarks. These templates come in various designs, ranging from intricate patterns to cute illustrations, allowing you to choose the one that resonates with your taste and interests.

Benefits of Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

Free Printable Bookmarks To Color - Mama Likes This - FREE Printables - Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

1. Encourage Reading: By adding a fun and creative element to the act of bookmarking, free printable coloring bookmarks can encourage you to read more. The excitement of coloring and personalizing your bookmark can make you eager to continue reading and use it.

2. Express Creativity: Coloring is known to have a therapeutic effect and can help relieve stress. Free printable coloring bookmarks provide a creative outlet where you can express your artistic side and relax while adding vibrant colors to the design.

Printable Bookmarks To Color For Kids - FREE Printables - Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

3. Personalization: Unlike regular bookmarks, free printable coloring bookmarks allow you to make them truly unique. You can choose your favorite colors, experiment with different coloring techniques, and even add your name or a personalized message to make it special.

4. Cost-effective: As the name suggests, free printable coloring bookmarks are available for free. You can easily find a wide range of designs online and print them at home or at a local print shop without spending any money. This makes them a budget-friendly option for book lovers.

How to Use Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks - Amy Latta Creations - FREE Printables - Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

1. Choose a Design: Start by selecting a free printable coloring bookmark design that catches your eye. You can find numerous websites offering a variety of designs to suit different preferences and themes. Look for a design that speaks to you and aligns with your taste.

2. Print the Template: Once you have decided on a design, download the template and print it on high-quality paper or cardstock. This ensures that your bookmark is sturdy and durable, capable of withstanding regular use.

free printables} Read + Grow Coloring Bookmarks for Back-to-School  - FREE Printables - Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

3. Color Your Bookmark: Now comes the fun part – coloring! Gather your favorite coloring tools such as colored pencils, markers, or crayons. Let your imagination run wild as you add colors, patterns, and shading to your bookmark. Feel free to experiment with different techniques to create a unique masterpiece.

4. Personalize: To add a personal touch, consider writing your name, a favorite quote, or a heartfelt message on the bookmark. This makes it even more special and serves as a reminder of the book and the memories associated with it.

5. Laminate (Optional): If you want to enhance the durability of your bookmark, consider laminating it. This will protect it from wear and tear, ensuring that it remains intact even after multiple uses.

Where to Find Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks

Finding free printable coloring bookmarks is as easy as a few clicks away! Here are a few reliable sources where you can find a wide variety of designs:

1. Online Coloring Websites: Many websites offer free printable coloring pages, including bookmark templates. Look for websites that specifically cater to bookmarks, as they tend to have a larger collection of designs.

2. Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are treasure troves of creative ideas. Search for hashtags like #freecoloringbookmarks or #printablebookmarks to discover a plethora of designs shared by artists and enthusiasts.

3. Online Communities: Joining online communities or forums dedicated to coloring enthusiasts can be an excellent way to connect with like-minded individuals and discover new bookmark designs. Members often share their own creations or links to free printable templates.


Free printable coloring bookmarks are a fantastic way to combine your love for reading and coloring. They not only serve a practical purpose but also allow you to express your creativity and add a personal touch to your reading experience. With a wide range of designs available online, you can easily find the perfect bookmark template that resonates with your style and interests. So, grab your coloring tools and embark on a journey of personalized bookmark creation today!

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